Sylvain Kubler is Research Scientist at the in the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) in the University of Luxembourg (France). Prior to that, he was Associate Professor at the Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy (UMR 7039) in the Université de Lorraine (2017-2022), Research Associate at SnT (2015-2017) and Post-doc at Aalto University (2013-2015) SnT .
He was awarded the best Thesis in Automatic Control from the IFAC French Workgroup GdR MACS/Club EEA. He had a leading role in the bIoTope (Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects) H2020 project (9M€), and today in: (1) ASCEND (ACCELERATE POSITIVE CLEAN ENERGY DISTRICTS) funded under HORIZON-MISS-2021-CIT-02-04 (Positive Clean Energy Districts); (2) AVATAR (Digital Twin For Transformative Air Vehicle with IoT Sensors Towards Safer Skies) funded under HORIZON-CL5-2022-D5-01-13; (3) RED WoLF (Rethink Electricity Distribution Without Load Following) funded by the EU programme Interreg North-West Europe (NWE); (4) TIC-TAC-SDN (Towards effIcient bloCkchain-based disTributed SDN ArchiteCtures) funded under the ANR Young Researchers (JCJC) programme.
He has broad expertise in Decision Support Systems using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), with a focus on how to ensure their Trustworthiness, which is a key requirement of the AI Act and the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI published by the European Commission.